The inspiration
the founders story
Ever since I was a child, I have wanted to help others. This trait, undoubtably comes from my parents. My father was a Firefighter for 28 years. and my parents, together have fostered over 20 children. Their actions, inspired me to become a Firefighter as well. Where for 14 years, I followed in my fathers footsteps. Fighter fighting can be a very rewarding job, But as we all know being a firefighter can also be very challenging. My experiences have taken their toll, both Mentally, and Physically. In 2023, my health forced me to leave the job of my dreams at age 43.It has a been a long arduous path that I would not wish on my worst Enemy. But Quitting is not in my blood. Even when it takes time to build the strength to fight back. There were days where just getting out of bed felt impossible, and even worse, pointless. I have learned more about myself in the last 2 years, than in the previous 43.
But only because I was forced to slow down and listen to my body. I've have learned that our health, is the most rewarding investment we can make. Both with time, and money. And that if we don't take the time now, to take care of our bodies, our bodies will make us do it later, and it will be harder, and take longer to recover.
And that is what brings us here to Elite Revive. My new passion, and my new way to help even more people live a better life.
Thank you for your time, and I hope that even if you don't decide to purchase from Eliterevive.com, you make a move towards taking care of your health. You won't believe how much happier you will be!